Mr Justice Munby

2008-01-31 1 comments

Mr Justice Munby at the High Court said no baby could be removed "as the result of a decision taken by officials in some room". A voice of sanity in a web of madness. The baby boy was born healthy and taken from his 18 year old mother about two hours after his birth without any court order having been made.

Hospital staff were apparently shown a "birth plan" prepared by local authority social services. The plan said the mother, who had a troubled childhood and suffered from mental health problems, was to be separated from the child, and no contact allowed without supervision by social workers.

The judge said the removal of a child could only be lawful if a police constable was taking action to protect a child, or there was a court order in place. Mr Justice Munby said that without the appropriate order and given that the mother was still in hospital, mother and child should be reunited.
At last, Social Services have been made to follow the Queens Law and not its own law.


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